RT @me_hurley1: Somewhere over the Rainbow (Crossing)🌈- In this new Encounters piece for @CritMilStudies I offer some initial refle… https://t.co/sv5JP5xQeS
Do check out this excellent piece from 2021! https://t.co/HfDJDDQW62
RT @TMCultures: Please apply and share widely- we are looking for a PostDoc at the TMC Network! @CritMilStudies @cpsa_acsp @isanet… https://t.co/yMPGv4zlg9
CfP: Critical Perspectives on NATO workshop - Newcastle University (UK) - 25 - 26 May 2023 - https://t.co/XYw3SMNGKg
RT @millslaurajayne: My thanks to Eli Wright @FrontlinePaper for his engagement & permission to include images of his powerful work. My… https://t.co/ZDaneplW2H
RT @millslaurajayne: that has begun to explore US military/veteran artwork in the context of post-9/11 controversial wars supported by a… https://t.co/vhxjtUyRh3
RT @millslaurajayne: and the possibilities that its inbetweenness and incompleteness offer – to be glimpsed and potentially grasped in h… https://t.co/I0cGsKot7i
RT @millslaurajayne: understandings of/around (the) tortured, torturer, and torturing that in turn lead to more subversive & destabilisi… https://t.co/RNxUo7XVEe
RT @millslaurajayne: to unpick the aesthetic politics of Wright’s Torture Mask Triptych & to unveil multiple contestations, regarding th… https://t.co/vJt84wd8Wp
RT @millslaurajayne: the nexus between art and torture is a potent affective/aesthetic site that IR needs to engage further:for art is a… https://t.co/UmL7RyPD0o